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When we see patients at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic we put them through our unique testing protocol. This protocol involves screening them for the following factors that are called regulatory blocks:

Inflammatory Conditions i.e. fungal, bacterial, viral, parasitical infections.

Dental conditions i.e. amalgam leaks, periodontal infections, TMJ, root canals gone bad.

Heavy Metal and Organic Toxins i.e. mercury, lead, DDT, pesticides.

Other Regulatory Blocks i.e. scars, vaccine damage, allergies.

This is followed by a correction program. Then we go into the specific nutritional, herbal and homeopathic remedies specific to the condition.


The below conditions are listed alphabetically and we will be adding to this list at intervals.

Diagnosis and treatment follows the NTRC Healing System

See also Files/Public Library for How We Manage These Conditions.

Although we may offer suggestions for wellness, we recommend that for an accurate diagnosis and treatment of your problem, that you consult your physician.


Description: Abnormally high levels of gastric juices. Sourness due to fermentation of food or over secretion of acid in stomach. Symptoms include burning sensation or pain in stomach, sourness in mouth, heartburn, dyspepsia.

Avoid coffee, alcohol, pickles and spicy food. Regulate diet. Control stress and learn to consciously relax through techniques like meditation, yoga, pranayama, etc. Drink plenty of water, up to 20 glasses a day.


Description : Acne vulgaris is a disorder characterized by pimples. Caused by the increase in sebum release from the sebaceous glands of the skin, it usually affects teenagers and young adults. The condition is associated with infection and blockage of secretions from the skin (sebaceous) glands. Most often the pimples appear on the face, neck, chest, shoulder and upper portion of the back.

Symptoms include small and large swellings appear on the face, neck, chest, shoulder and upper portions of the back. There may be a black spot in the center of the swellings-black heads (close comedones). Swellings without black spots are known as white heads (open comedones). When the pimples get infected, there will be swellings (pustules) filled with pus.

The Naturopathic approach consists of changing the diet and eliminating food that irritates the digestive tract that leads to these skin conditions. Often there are deficiencies in minerals like zinc, silica ,insufficient enzymes and food allergies.


Description: A progressive degeneration of the brain tissue primarily affecting people above the age of 65 years. It affects intellectual functions like memory, comprehension and speech in individuals.

Symptoms include problems with memory followed by psychiatric disturbances such as depression, anxiety, odd behavior, delusions and hallucinations are primary manifestations of this disease. In the advanced stage, the patient may suffer from disturbed gait and generalized stiffness, accompanied by slow and awkward movements. Alzheimer?s has been related to mercury and aluminum poisoning as well as genetic predisposition.


Description This refers to inflammation of the joints surrounding tendons, ligaments and cartilage. It can affect virtually every part of the body. Effects range from slight pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints to crippling disability. Arthritis can strike people at any age.

Osteoarthritis (Degenerative joint disease), is a degenerative disease in which small bony growths appear on the large weight bearing joints. It causes early morning stiffness or stiffness following periods of rest, pain that worsens on joint use, loss of joint function, local tenderness, soft tissue swelling, creaking and cracking of joints on movement, bony swelling and restricted mobility.

Osteoarthritis usually sets in with old age. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a rare condition, which is more serious and very painful. It incapacitates the synovial tissue in which, most commonly, the small joints of the hand become tender, swollen, even deformed. Women are more affected than men. It is often associated with fatigue, low-grade fever, weakness, joint stiffness and joint pain. Painful swollen joints appear within several weeks of the first attack.

We differentiate the type of arthritis you have. Generally the following supplements like Fish Oil (Omega 3), Glucosamine Sulfate and Devil's Claw prove useful in reducing pain and inflammation.


Description: Back pain can be divided into two basic categories, acute and chronic. Acute pain comes on quickly, either immediately or over a period of several hours. On the other hand, chronic back pain comes on slowly and remains for a very long time, sometimes lasting for months or even years. It may come and go and is never far from one's mind. Often at times, acute and chronic back pain are interrelated, the acute leading to the chronic.

Symptoms: Back pain that may or may not radiate to hips and legs. Leg length discrepancy is the most common cause of back pain caused by a pelvic twist. Anyone ever having a broken leg must automatically assume a leg length discrepancy. Back pain can also be caused by stress, both mental and physical. Organic problems can also lead to back pain symptoms. Gallstones, kidney stones, infections, uterine fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts can all result in severe back pain because the nerves that go to these organs come from the spine. Lower back pain may also be associated with menstruation. We have a very high success rate using a variety of Manual Therapies.


Description: Involuntary bedwetting in the middle of the night during childhood is common. This disorder is resolved in most children by the age of seven. Bedwetting after that is a sign that there is some underlying problem or developmental delay.

Symptoms: Hypoglycemia, diabetes, food allergies and urinary tract infections.


Description: 60% of men between ages 40-59 have an enlarged prostate gland. This condition is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Symptoms: Progressive urinary frequency and urgency, night time awakening for urination, urinary hesitancy and intermittence, and reduced force of urine. If left untreated, this will eventually obstruct bladder outlet.


Description: Caused by over exposure to chemicals that have harmful effects, such as damage to the liver.

Symptoms: Skin rashes, boils, major organ damage such as kidney or liver failure.

Risk factors: The two most common sources of poisoning are exposure to household chemicals such as formaldehyde in new furniture or glue or even in beer or to chemical poisoning at workplace. It is preferable to contact a physician immediately if poisoning is suspected.



Description: Liver disease accompanied by abnormal changes that cause hardening and inflammation of the liver.

Symptoms: Usually characterized by a long period of latency. Some signs may be fatigue, itching, rashes of unknown origin, constipation or diarrhea, alternating color of the stools, fever and indigestion. Sudden abdominal swelling, pain, vomiting of blood, swelling of the body in general and jaundice, characterized by the yellowing of the whites of the eyes (conjunctiva) and skin are symptoms of a recurring attack. Advanced stages may lead to coma and death.


Description: The difference between colds and flu is the range of symptoms and the severity of the infection. Flu is usually more severe, develops quickly and involves more of the body than a cold. A cold occurs at any time of the year while flu usually develops in epidemics, normally in late fall and winter.

Symptoms: Sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, aching, and a general sense of misery plus the other familiar signals of cough, headache, dry, sore or sensitive breathing passages and possibly swollen cervical lymph nodes. Flu involves respiratory inflammation, moderate-to-high fever, aching muscles and acute fatigue. Vomiting, diarrhea and further complications may develop as part of the symptoms of flu.

We can differentiate what remedies homoeopathic or herbal is most useful very rapidly, resulting in an efficient and precise treatment process.


Description: Spasmodic pains in the abdomen in infants, accompanied by irritability or crying. Colic also refers to conditions of gas or other digestive irritability in infants up to 3 months old. Colic is often due to alkaline, high-sodium internal conditions, but can also be caused by overfeeding, swallowing of air, or emotional upsets. Breastfeeding mothers should be careful about food like soya bean, cabbage or even dairy and wheat.

Symptoms: Paroxysms of crying, apparent abdominal pain and irritability in very young children.

We have excellent results using craniosacral therapy for colic.


Description: Conjunctivitis is an irritating inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eye and the eyelid. Also known as "pink eye".

Symptoms: Discharge from the eye (often containing pus), pain, swelling and redness as well as itching and discomfort with bright lights. The eyelids may stick together upon awakening.


Description: Difficulty in passing stools, incomplete or infrequent passage of stools.

Symptoms: Irregular bowel movements.

Special Notes: Inappropriate diet, inadequate exercise and laxative/enema abuse are the most common causes of constipation. Constipation can undermine the whole body, affecting digestion, the clearing of toxins from the system, energy levels and the absorption of nutrients. Stocky individuals often have satisfactory bowel function and lean individuals tend to have a sluggish and slow bowel pattern. Poor diet is the most significant reason. Increase exercise (brisk walking for at least an hour after a meal, 4-5 times a week), incorporate better eating habits and learn some relaxation techniques.


Description: A sudden explosion of air from the lungs to expel something from the air passages. Productive coughing brings up mucus while dry unproductive cough caused due to pharyngeal irritation, does not.

Symptoms: Different types of cough sounds are characteristic of different problems. They could be caused due to a minor problem such as a common cold or by some serious diseases like malignancy.


Description: Included in the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) syndrome. Its general description features an inflammatory reaction that occurs throughout the entire thickness of the bowel wall. It is a granulomatous process involving any or all of the mucosa of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum and colon.

Symptoms: Intermittent bouts of diarrhea, low-grade fever, anorexia, weight loss, flatulence and malaise, abdominal tenderness, especially in the right lower quadrant with signs of peritoneal irritation and an abdominal or pelvic mass. X-rays show abnormality of the terminal ileum.

Years of research suggest that many patients with Crohn?s Disease are allergic to wheat.


Description: Dandruff is a common scalp condition in which the dead skin is shed producing irritating white flakes. Dandruff frequently accompanies scalp disease and is a primary cause of baldness and general hair loss. It is frequently brought about by digestive disturbances. It is highly dependent on the general health of the entire body.

Symptoms: White flakes appear on the hair and fall onto the shoulders and clothes. There may be itching, scaling and redness of the scalp. Dandruff may also occur on other skin surfaces such as the face, chest and back. Yellow crusting may appear.


Description: Almost everyone experiences at one time or another, a sense of "feeling low" caused by a disturbing event in one?s life but when depression persists, it is a matter of concern. Major depression is a serious condition where a person is not only in a depressed mood but also has a feeling of guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities including sex, oversleeping or sometimes sleeplessness, extreme fatigue, lack of energy, agitation and sometimes irritability and anxiety. Depression can strike at any age, including childhood. Often, depressed moods can be observed in early middle age as a result of the side effect of medication, hormonal changes (such as before the menstrual period or after child birth), fluctuating blood sugar levels, smoking, environmental factors like chronic exposure to solvents and heavy metals and vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes intestinal overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans) can precipitate depression. However, the most common time of onset is at old age, that may be a reaction to the fact of growing older, the death of a spouse or close friend, limitations of movement associated with age and impending confrontation with death.

Symptoms: Poor appetite with weight loss or increased appetite with weight gain, insomnia or hypersomnia, physical hyperactivity or inactivity, loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities, or a decrease in sexual drive. Includes loss of energy or feelings of fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, self-reproach or inappropriate guilt, a diminished ability to think or concentrate and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Special Notes: Nearly one in four people experience some degree of clinical depression or mood disorder in his/her lifetime. Exposure to solvents and heavy metals may produce the psychological symptoms of depression. Disciplined regular exercise cannot be overstated, it improves mood and the ability to handle stress.

We also give psychotherapy when appropriate when causes of the depression are emotional rather that due to biochemical, hormonal or nutritional.


Description: There are two major types of diabetes mellitus: Insulin dependent juvenile diabetes (IDDM-Type I) in which the body is unable to produce insulin and non-insulin-dependent adult-onset diabetes (NIDDM-Type II) in which the pancreas produces insulin, but it is insufficient for reducing the blood glucose to normal levels.

Symptoms: In Type I, there is excessive thirst, hunger, urination and dehydration, often accompanied by weight loss. Currently, insulin injections are the only known method of control. In Type II, which usually occurs during middle age, the symptoms are the same except that there is weight gain.


Description: Diarrhea is an abnormal increase in stool liquidity and frequency and may be chronic or acute. Acute diarrhea can be either viral, bacterial or protozoan in origin.

Symptoms: Patients suffer from nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and diarrhea. The stools may be watery and mixed with mucus or blood.


Description: Fungal infections are usually of the skin, but sometimes involve other organs too. These infections are due to fungal organisms (simple parasitic life forms including molds, mildew and yeast) called mycoses.

Symptoms: Mild: discoloration and swelling of the nail beds, moist, reddened patches over various parts of the body, cheesy and smelly discharge from the vagina.

Severe: Infecting and disrupting normal organ function. Liver spots are also fungal infections.


Description: An inherited metabolic disorder occurring especially in men, characterized by a raised but variable uric acid level, recurrent attacks of arthritis, deposition of crystals of uric acid in the connective tissues and articular cartilage which may progress to chronic arthritis.

Symptoms: Sudden swelling, inflammation and intense pain in the joints, typically the big toe or ankle, sometimes the knee may be involved. In some cases, the above symptoms may be associated with alternating chills and fever.


Description: Allergic reaction commonly associated with pollen but includes allergies to dust, cat and dog dander, mold spores, food, medications, insect bites, perfume, etc.

Symptoms: Eczema, watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, and breathing difficulties.


Description: Headaches are a common health complaint suffered by almost everyone. A careful diagnosis of the cause is important.

Symptoms: Two types: those caused by muscle contraction and vascular irregularities (the alternation of constriction and expansion of the arteries). Migraine symptoms include lightheadedness, a throbbing pain on one side of the head, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, hot and cold flashes and hypersensitivity to light, sound and movement. Migraine pain is most often severe and localized on one side of the head, usually involving the temple and the eye. Sufferers may experience warning symptoms a few minutes before the migraine, including blurred vision, muddled thinking, exhaustion, nebula of lights and numbness or tingling on one side of the body. Cluster headache symptoms include excruciating pain concentrated around the eye, tears, facial flushing and nasal congestion. Sharp intense pain afflicts the victim for a few hours and subsides only to return in a few hours. These attacks can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Our range of treatment range from screening for allergies, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances to Manual Therapies and Acupuncture when appropriate.


Description: External hemorrhoids occur along the 3 cm anal canal where skin changes to mucous membrane. It can be full of blood clots (thrombotic hemorrhoid, occurs when hemorrhoidal vessel is ruptured and a clot is formed) or connective tissue (cutaneous hemorrhoid, fibrous connective tissue covered by anal skin) can be located any place on the circumference of the anus. Internal hemorrhoids form above the anorectal line. Occasionally an internal hemorrhoid will enlarge to such a degree that it will prolapse and descend below the anal sphincter.

Symptoms: Itching, burning, pain, inflammation, irritation, swelling, bleeding and seepage in the anorectal region.


Description: Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is associated with damage or death of the liver cells. Hepatitis A occurs sporadically or in epidemics and is transmitted primarily through fecal contamination. Hepatitis B is transmitted through infected blood or blood products. It can also be transmitted through saliva and sexual secretions. The type D virus, Epstein-Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus also cause hepatitis. Hepatitis B, non-A and non-B cases can develop into chronic forms.

Symptoms: In the early stages, there is usually a loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, fever, nausea and vomiting. Extreme fatigue is a key sign. Rashes and pain in the joints may occur. In 3-10 days, dark urine may manifest and be followed by the skin turning yellow (jaundice). Jaundice usually takes one to two weeks to build up and then two or four weeks to fade. The liver is usually enlarged and tender to the touch.


Description: The human body accumulates heavy metals in toxic doses (in fat cells, central nervous system, bones, brain, glands and hair) when exposed to high levels of the same and this may have negative health effects

Symptoms: Recurrent kidney stones. Symptoms may attack a person?s weakest physical link. Symptoms vary depending on the metal, person?s age, extent of exposure, absorption level, bindings and the effects of the toxic metals. All symptoms may be associated with a metallic taste in the mouth. Lead accumulation leads to poor bone growth and development, learning disabilities, fatigue, poor task performance, irritability, anxiety, high blood pressure. It also leads to weight loss, increased susceptibility to infection, ringing in the ears, decreased cognitive functioning and concentration and spelling skills, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, muscle and joint pain, tremors, and overall general decreased immune functioning. Cadmium accumulation causes fatigue, irritability, headaches, high blood pressure, benign enlargement of the prostate gland, hair loss, learning disabilities, kidney disorders, liver disorders, skin disorders and painful joints.


Description: A person has hypertension or high blood pressure if the high reading (systolic) is over 140 and the low reading (diastolic) is over 90 when tested on two separate occasions.

Symptoms: May include dizziness, headache, fatigue, restlessness, difficulty in breathing, insomnia, intestinal complaints and emotional instability.



Description: It is due to cessation or suspension of release of ova from the ovaries.

Symptoms: Irregular menstrual cycles.

Special Notes: Inability to conceive could be due to numerous factors including psychological, physical and hormonal disturbances. Usually hormonal disturbances lead to irregular ovulation.

Risk Factor: Extremes of age in the reproductive age group, stress, extreme underweight (malnutrition), dieting or athletic training.

Diet: To prevent nutritional deficiencies that may cause menstrual irregularities which could lead to irregular ovulation, one should take supplements or eat foods that are rich in zinc (fish, poultry, lean meats) and vitamin B complex (green leafy vegetables, brewer?s yeast, wheat germ and other fleshy vegetables).


Description: Common condition in which colon fails to function properly. Also known as nervous indigestion, spastic colitis, mucus colitis and intestinal neurosis.

Symptoms: Combination of any of the following: abdominal pain and distension, more frequent bowel movements with pain, or relief of pain with bowel movements, constipation; diarrhea, excessive production of mucus in the colon, indigestion, flatulence, nausea or anorexia, varying degrees of hostile feelings, sleep disturbances, anxiety or depression. Common food allergy symptoms are: heart palpitation, hyperventilation, fatigue, excessive sweating, headaches, etc.


Description: Stones occur anywhere in the urinary tract (kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra) and are called renal or urinary calculi. Occurrences in the salivary duct are called salivary calculi.

Symptoms: Usually symptoms are not apparent until a stone blocks the urinary tract. Possible symptoms are: sudden severe and excruciating back pain which may come and go and often radiates from the back across the abdomen and into the genital area or inner thighs, may be associated with nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, possible blood in urine, pain during urination and chills and fever. Stones in the urinary tract can be one of the most painful conditions known to humankind.



Description: The liver is the most important organ connected with metabolism. The health and vitality of the liver to a very large extent determine the health and vitality of an individual.

Symptoms: Fatigue, general malaise, digestive disturbances, allergies and chemical sensitivities, premenstrual syndrome and constipation.


Description: Depigmentation of the skin caused by a liver disorder.

Symptoms: Loss of appetite, fatigue, mild fever, muscle or joint pains, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Special Notes: Usually a viral infection with no itching.

Risk Factor: Liver spots due to bacterial infection can be through contaminated food or water. Viral infection can be transmitted through sexual contact, blood transfusions and contaminated intramuscular or intravenous needles. Liver spots can also occur due to liver damage seen in alcohol abuse, hepatotoxic drugs or injection of environmental toxins.


Description: Individual sexual habits can influence a person's state of health, just as the health of the body and the male reproductive system can be a determining factor for sexual habits and sexual drive. There are two kinds of impotence: primary, which is rare and almost always associated with psychopathology; secondary, which is more common and is related to psychological causes.

Symptoms: Impotence is the inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to perform intercourse and ejaculation.


Description: During menopause, the hormonal output alternately stops and starts instead of reducing gradually.

Symptoms: Hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal atrophy, heart palpitations, anxiety and depression.

Special Notes: The general readjustment of the body's endocrine balance leads to symptoms of menopause. The symptoms are caused by estrogen dominance in the body as progesterone production declines in the years leading up to this change in the woman?s body. The hormonal changes also disrupt the delicate acid/alkaline balance of the vagina, which can lead to increased susceptibility to yeast and bacterial infections. Walking half an hour at the same time each day stimulates the body?s energies and establishes a calming regularity in life.


Description: Wounds that do not heal within one week.

Symptoms: Itching, persistent pus discharge, pain and local swelling.

Special Notes: Leave wound open as far as possible. Check for diabetes.


Description: Obesity is an abnormally high proportion of body fat as opposed to overweight, which is weight over the ideal for an age group.

Symptoms: Gross obesity produces mechanical and physical stresses that aggravate or cause a number of disorders including osteoarthritis (especially of hips) and sciatica, varicose veins, thromboembolism, hernias and cholelithiasis, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.


Description: Porous bones resulting from lack of both minerals and calcium. The bones are usually weak in the spine, hips and ribs. Pain, deformity or fracture is prevalent.

Symptoms: It is usually without symptoms, until severe backache, decrease in height and spontaneous fractures of the hip, wrist and vertebrae may occur.

Special Notes: Physical exercise is vital in maintaining and restoring optimum bone density. Duration of the exercise is more important than the intensity. Walking is a very good exercise to prevent osteoporosis. A 45 minute to an hour walk, three to five times a week is the minimum exercise for this program.



Description: Chronic pain is pain that interferes with one?s daily pursuits and the enjoyment of life. A nagging pain problem that has lasted longer than 6 months may be termed chronic pain.

Symptoms: Pain, which lingers long after an injured area has healed, recurring migraines, headaches, arthritis, recurring back pain and other neurological disorders that cause pain.


Description: Pain in the calf muscle mostly during the night.

Symptoms: Muscle pain and stiffness in the legs, sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue. Special Notes: Check for potassium deficiency; if deficiency is confirmed, consume bananas and coconut water.


Description: Chronic gastrointestinal complaints, such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, chronic constipation, multiple allergies (especially of food) and patients with unexplained fatigue, should be screened for intestinal parasites.

Symptoms: Infection is usually evident within three to five days of exposure explosive and watery diarrhea. Other symptoms may include intermittent diarrhea and constipation, indigestion, rashes, hives, gas, fatigue and allergic reactions to food. If left untreated, rheumatoid and arthritic symptoms may emerge. Mucus in the stool, anorexia, cramping, constipation, nausea, vomiting, night sweats, and fever may also occur.

Special Notes: Most individuals with parasitic infections do not even know it, often going several years without detection. It is felt that major health problems can be caused by even mild parasitic infection. Nearly half the people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome had intestinal parasites. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been linked to parasite infection.


Description: A slow, progressive disorder of the central nervous system.

Symptoms: Slowness of movement, muscular rigidity, resting tremor (trembling at rest or on movement), and postural instability (shuffling, unbalanced gait, which progresses into uncontrollable tiny, running steps to keep from falling).

Special Notes: If untreated, the disease progresses over fifteen years to severe incapacitation. The cause is unknown. However, an imbalance of two brain chemicals seems involved, dopamine and acetylcholine.


Description: One of the most common hormone-related conditions of otherwise healthy women is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). It may occur 7-14 days before menses or through 2-3 days of menstruation.

Symptoms: Mood swings, mild-to-severe personality change, acne, decreased energy, tension, altered sex drive, breast pain, backache, edema of fingers and ankles, headaches, abdominal bloating, depression, sugar craving, cramps, irritability and weight gain.

Diet: Limit consumption of sugar, honey, salt, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine containing foods, white flour, maple syrup, dried fruit and fruit juice, milk and dairy products, fats. Increase protein intake from vegetable sources such as legumes, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables except cabbage, and cauliflower, red meat and fowl; fish is better. Avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, and artificial ingredients, chocolate, sour and sweet foods, cheese. Drink plenty of warm to hot water.


Description: A skin reaction that is usually temporary.

Symptoms: Most often consists of eruptions, a group of spots, or areas of redness and inflammation.

Diet: Assess and treat food allergies. Drink plenty of filtered water. Avoid citrus, berries, peanuts, shellfish, and dairy products. Sudden reactions are possible to familiar products or foods. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and yellow vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes. Eat a wide variety of food.


Description: Radiating pain from the back, either into the buttock and/or the lower extremity (leg) usually on the back (posterior) and outward (lateral) side. It represents pain referred somewhere along the path of the sciatic nerve (from the buttock, down the leg, into the foot, although the most. Commonly affected areas are the buttock and thighs).

Symptoms: Discomfort, pain, burning, tingling, stabbing, aching, anywhere along the path of the sciatic nerve. In severe cases, the pain may be associated with weakness.


Description: ?Sluggish liver? probably reflects minimal impairment of liver function. One of the leading contributors to impaired liver function is diminished bile flow or cholestasis.

Symptoms: Fatigue, general malaise, digestive disturbances, allergies and chemical sensitivities, PMS and constipation

Diet: Rich in dietary fiber and plant foods, low in refined sugar and fat, and foods free from pesticides and pollutants as far as possible. Alcohol consumption is not advised.


Description: An inflammatory disorder of unknown cause that primarily affects the axial skeleton, peripheral joint and extra articular structures. Affects youths, usually in the twenties or thirties.

Symptoms: Usually dull pain, insidious during onset and felt deep in the lower lumbar or gluteal region accompanied by ?lower back? morning stiffness. Sometimes chest pain may occur due to the involvement of the thoracic spine.

Diet: Avoid meat, eggs, dairy products, potatoes, tomatoes and bell pepper (or capsicum). Consume foods rich in vitamin A, C, B6, E, etc.


Description: A sudden neurological abnormality related to cerebral blood supply commonly due to clot formation or arterial narrowing or hemorrhage or blockage of artery due to embolus.

Symptoms: Sudden loss of vision, speech and comprehension with impaired strength, coordination of movement, numbness, loss of movements of one or both limbs on one side.

Special Notes: Hypoglycemia, diabetic patients may suffer from the above symptoms due to metabolic disorders.

Risk Factor: Hypertensive patients and chronic smokers are at risk of developing this cerebrovascular disease.

Diet Proper: diet contributes to stroke prevention. Take diets rich in vitamins, minerals and foods rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin E (fish and fish oils).


Description: Physical or psychological dependence, which negatively impacts a person?s life.

Symptoms: Craving for sugar.

Special Notes: Addictive substances become a ?necessary? ingredient of body chemistry, so that withdrawal occurs when the substance is withheld. An addictive personality may lack the natural stimulants (catecholamines) and relaxants (endorphins).


Description: Dilated, lengthened and tortuous veins seen mainly in the legs but spermatic, esophageal and hemorrhoidal veins may be affected due to lack or incompetence of valves within the veins.

Symptoms: Swelling of one or both feet increases while walking.

Risk Factor: It is common among people who work for long hours standing in one place.

Diet: Meals and snacks should consist primarily of vegetables, fruit, nuts and whole grains. Avoid refined foods and meat as far as possible.


Description: Obesity is an abnormally high proportion of body fat as opposed to overweight, which is weight over the ideal for an age group.

Symptoms: Gross obesity produces mechanical and physical stresses that aggravate or cause a number of disorders including osteoarthritis (especially of hips) and sciatica, varicose veins, thromboembolism, hernias and cholelithiasis, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Ten years of research has allowed us to discover that there are five major reasons for weight gain. These include fungus infections, food allergies, Syndrome X, heavy metal poisoning and nutrient deficiencies.

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