The Biofield is a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system is visible to the human eye but the biofield can be felt with the hands, often through either pressure or temperature changes.

Modalities Using Electromagnetic Fields – LIGHT:
Infrared light, Intranasal Light Therapy, Oligoscan, Alpha Therapy, MaxLipo Light Therapy
Modalities Using Electromagnetic Fields – HEAT:
Heat Infrared Thermal Imaging, Thermography
Modalities Using Electromagnetic Fields – NON-THERNMAL: EMF Interactions and Electric Currents:
Alpha Therapy, Microcurrent Therapy, Pulsating Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy
Static Magnetic Field Therapies – STATIC MAGNETIC FIELD (SMF) THERAPIES: Alpha Therapy
Modalities Using Electric Currents, Voltages, or Potentials – EEG and ECG, Electrodermal activity measured by skin conductance and galvanic skin response:
Alpha Therapy, Zyto Technology, Electro Meridian Imaging, Heart Rate Variability Analysis, Bioreasonance Therapy
Medical Devices/Technologies
Modalities Using Vibration/Sound –
Audible Sound Assessment and Treatment, Binaural Beat Neuroacoustic Therapies: VoiceBio, Tuning Fork
Modalities Based Upon Mechanical/Physical Interactions: Acupuncture, Thought Field Therapy (TFT),
Modalities Using Gas or Plasma: Bio-Well Technique | GDV Technique
Biofield Modalities available at SNC