Intranasal Light Therapy
Intranasal light therapy literally stimulates the blood capillaries in the nasal cavity in a very non-invasive method to introduce therapeutic light energy into the human body through the blood. This form of non-ionizing radiation on biological systems offers health and medical benefits including effects on cognitive performance, fighting free radicals, combatting Alzheimer’s symptoms and more.
The therapy has been useful for:
• Improving blood cell count and immunity.
• Activates bioenergy in mitochondria.
• Improves blood flow and peripheral blood circulation.
• Accelerates recovery from heart attack.
• Improved blood and lymph circulation stimulation.
• Autonomic regulation towards parasympathetic tonus, an improvement in blood filling, decreased tonus, and decreased
resistance in peripheral vessels.
• Recovery from nerve damage, migraines and headaches
• Improvements in the stress and sex hormonal function.
• Improved symptoms of insomnia.
• Improves cognitive mild cogntive impairment and stroke.
• Improves symptoms in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s 14 disease